This past weekend, Hunter and I went to the beautiful lake Norris (beautiful, beautifuuulll) with his friends from work. And though the lake was breathtaking, no, I did not take pictures of it. I did, however, take pictures of the two little amazing doggies that accompanied us the whole weekend! (of course I get pics of the dogs and not the lake. of course)
This is Wizzer. He's amazing.
Wait, how did this picture of Vito get in here? He wasn't at the lake... ok, I admit it. I posted it b/c he has made his new bed in our basket that holds our folded blankets. Yup, I'm a dork.
My nephews and I had such a beautiful day last friday. We spent the day at the pool, the park, eating BBQ and an old train station. These black-eyed susies are everywhere in Thompsons Station park. It's probably one of the prettiest parks around. We picked black berries (only enough to eat while we played in the park) and some other amazing wild beauties of nature. It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly, the boys truly appreciated God's creation.