Monday, July 13, 2009

I was gonna just start this blog with the project I did today, but AH HA! I turned my camera on and had found that Hunter had secretly taken a picture of Vito... THIS is significant. You see, Hunter acts like he hates Vito, but here is living proof that he does, in fact, secretly love this little white kitty. Here's my interpretation of this picture: Vito was laying next to Hunter sleeping. Hunter thought "Aaawwwww. Look at Vito, he's so cute right now." and he saw my camera and wanted to capture it on film to treasure for the rest of his life. So there you have it. Next time Hunter talks smack about Vito, I will just reference him to this picture that HE took.


Today, while the little munchkins were busy playing Mariokart Wii, I ventured out on an acrylic painting project, per my sister Brandi's request.....

Here's the beginning part of my picture (please note the glass of iced coffee on the left. I have such an unhealthy addiction...)

My sister wants me to paint a couple pictures for her to coordinate with the boys' room at her apartment. My first picture is of a skull that resembles the pattern on their pillow cases. The second picture I'll paint will be of a guitar.

These are their bed spreads. The colors are light blue, brown and tan. I think they're really cute. They're made by Quicksilver and the pillows have cool patterns, too.

This is Kasen's bed. You can see the patterns a little better.

I love the piece on the end of their curtain rods!

This is Brandi's painting. I love it! The colors she used match perfectly.

This is um..... this is Chase. I just wanted to take a picture of him. 'Cause I love him.

And the result!!!! I was a little bummed in how the bolts turned out, but that's what ya get when you paint free-hand, I guess.... Oh well!! Whenever I get around to the guitar painting, I'll post pics!