I'm still trying to get the hang of the blogging world. My next few blogs will probably be stupid, but I just want to give it a shot and make sure this stuff becomes smooth sailing....
Here's a few pics I took just to see if I could actually figure out how to post them successfully, haha. I guess you could say they describe me as a person :)
Have you tried Starburst Fave Reds? Oh my goodness. Just do it. Probably my fave candy.
"True love is a friendship set on fire." I love this picture and the little iron birdie next to it. But I would say the quote dead on describes my relationship with my husband. He is my best friend in the whole world and we are so much alike, it's like God not only sewed our hearts together, but our minds, too! I love his company and he is my better half. He's amazing and I've truly been blessed to have married him. Speaking of...........

I can't imagine life without him.
And then there's my sweet little boogers: Nolan, Aiden and Kasen.
But this post wouldn't be complete without my fluffy white kitty, Don Vito... Lame? Listen, he ran away and I was so sad and then 6 months later... there he was. I hold him close to my heart. Haha! No really....