"The church should be a haven of forgiveness and healing."
Those are two thoughts I'm chewing on this morning. The first statement was taken from a piece I was reading on bible.org and the second is from commentary in my Life Application study Bible.
As everyone knows, the New York state senate voted friday to legalize same-sex marriage. Since then I have read a whirlpool of opinions on the internet, most through social media. It really bums me out to read how Christians, specifically, are responding. If you are a part of the body of Christ, you should have knowledge of what the bible says about homosexuality. It's in there: both in the Old and New Testament. I say I'm bummed because I've read christians' opinions that have praised New York's new law and christians' opinions that clearly express judgement on New York. I'll address the second part of that sentence first.
If you are a believer and you have used harsh words to express how you feel about New York's same-sex marriage law, believe me- you are NOT, absolutely NOT making a difference. No one is going to listen to you. No one is going to change because of what you've said. In fact, you are making it worse and giving nonbelievers yet another reason to hate christianity. It completely blows my mind when christians think they have the authority to judge so harshly. Listen, I've been there. I've judged to the point where all I did was cause hurt and do you think I felt better about it? No, the word isn't "better" it's "bitter." As a result of judging again and again and again, one grows bitter. And people don't look at you and think "Man, when I think about him/her I think about love." Most likely, it's the extreme opposite.
In no way, shape or form does God's Word tell us not to love a person because of who they are or what they're doing. Not once does the bible mention to look down upon a person and make them feel lesser. I don't recall in the New Testament Jesus walking up to a sinner and saying "You're disgusting." But, at the same time, He didn't accept or approve, BUT THE DIFFERENCE IN HOW HE SHOWED THIS was He LOVED.
There is not an ounce in me that says "I'm never gonna hang out with someone who is gay because I think being gay is a sin!" That is a person created by the very hands of God and I KNOW God loves that person with a love beyond comprehension, as He loves all of His children.
So yes, while it is offensive to those who disagree, homosexuality goes against my beliefs. But there are christians everyday who partake in things that go against my beliefs, but we are called to respond in love. Does this mean I'm saying to hold their hand and stroke their hair and say "It's ok. Everything's fine." No, but it certainly doesn't mean to throw daggers that do nothing but fuel the fire. If you're a believer and you want to know how we are called to respond, open your bible and read about when Christ walked the earth. Use that as your example.
Now for the believers who are celebrating this new law. I don't really have much to say but to repeat what I said earlier. The bible does speak about homosexuality in both the Old and New Testament-- the important thing to know is that when it does mention it, there are also several other acts of sin grouped with it. There is no bullying in these verses towards homosexuality, as I said, when it's brought up other sin is stated along with it (prostitution, slave traders, adultery, etc.) and I think that it's so there is absolutely no cloudy areas toward these lifestyles pertaining to those who follow Christ.
God gives us free will. He loves us SO MUCH that He lets us make our own choices. And when we do make our own choices, we will experience life happening based upon our choices. God doesn't sit up there with a lightening bolt that He strikes down upon us whenever we don't choose His way. He just allows life to go the way it's going to go as a result of our choices, however, He is always there to guide us and to show us the way. We can choose to take His hand and we can choose not to.
So again, if you're a believer and you want to know how we are called to respond, open your bible and read about when Christ (AKA Love) walked the earth. Use that as your example.